Servus aus Bayern,
melde dich doch mal bei mir, Kontakt steht in meinem Profil.
Liebe Grüße
Du dürftest dich gerne auf mein Gesicht setzen das ich dir den Honigtopf auslecken kann 🤤
Do dogs enjoy sex with human females?
HELL YES!!!!! yes they do experience pleasure during sex very much like human beings and other mammals, I have sucked my dog's cock hundred times over and over and he liked it and prepared him self while wagging his tail when he knew it is time for his cock to be sucked again by me,
so yeah, me and my dog's sexlife would start the moment i get home from my job, he would just try humping me as I walked through the door. and if he wasn't doing that all's I had to do is take off my clothes and he knew that my butt was going to be his,
sometimes if he saw me getting naked (to take a bath) or just got naked laying on the bed he knew we were going to fuck. He only ever initiated it outside of the bedroom in one situation. when I came home from work or errand he'd greet me at the door and after "saying hello" would run to our bedroom barking. he'd bark until I followed him to find him jumping around on my bed, wagging his tail with his cock starting to poke out. He knew I could not resist and in a matter of seconds I would be naked under him getting covered or filled with his cum. <3
I've noticed after 2 years of fucking me, that my dog got more clingy, more affectionate more focused on me when we're alone. They see me as not just an owner but something deeper than that. I can attest that my dog's been noticeably content with fucking me afterwards and even seeked out sex from me again at a later time more than once, my current dog is always horny, always trying to mount my leg or arms, even at times when I'm doing something and I have to tell him no, he can be really persistent about it (panting, ears only slightly back but appear relaxed, no body tension, waging tail, th things that alot dogs do after sex, all good cues of a happy dog)
i love the feeling of him getting very satisfied with my pussy <3